Over 80% of children wear the wrong size shoes, which can result in significant health issues including back pain, ankle pain, an increased hallux angle, altered gait and degraded sports performance. Given children’s feet grow every day, there is a need for a fast and accurate foot measurement solution that can be used by schools to regularly assess their students’ feet size and warn the parents whenever there is an issue.

The SOLEPAD® Station is a super fast, easy and fun to use foot measurement solution that has
been developed to serve the above need. The child's foot length and width are measured
within 1 sec with an accuracy of 1mm.


• Improve the pupils’ well-being and sports performance
• Address a serious health issue by raising its importance to the parents' attention
• Actual demonstration of the school’s commitment to offer the best service to their pupils
• Stand out from other schools
• High-tech, interactive and entertaining pupil experience
• No training is needed

Visit our dedicated site to find out more!




In April 2013 R&D CORE presented the ATLAS concept, an anti-theft bike lock stand aiming to eliminate the bike theft problem.

Since then, R&D CORE has evolved the concept into something much more radical and high tech, an approach not yet seen within the bicycle security market!  It suits university campuses, cities and railway stations perfectly!

The refreshed concept resembles a bicycle, only upside down. Specifically, the solution consists of a stand that is secured on the pavement with two integrated rotary wheels.

Each side of the stand can be used to securely lock one bike without using external locks / chains. The bars shown can rotate around the circumference of the wheel.

In addition, each bar can pivot around one end and be pulled out.

To secure a bicycle in place, the two bars need to be rotated to align with the wheels of the bike, then extended out to pass around the bike's frame and wheel and then snap them in place to securely lock their free end back into the wheel. Both wheels and the frame are now secured. The locks can be deactivated with the use of a smartcard / credit card / smartphone or an Oyster card.  

The main advantage of this new concept, ATLAS II, over the original ATLAS concept, is that the solution no longer requires expensive integration with the pavement and it is expected to be more resistant to the elements such as solid dirt / particles, leaves, water, etc. found in the urban areas.

We are looking for partnerships to commercialize our solution. Contact us to find out more!





R&D CORE is revolutionising in-store shoe retailing and delivering powerful business analytics with its multi-awarded SOLEPAD SYSTEM solution!

Our SOLEPAD SYSTEM boosts retail sales, monitors footfall and captures insightful data to help you build a stronger, better business. You can now understand what is happening throughout the complete sales cycle, including why a customer did not buy.

Moreover, today’s tech-savvy shoppers are taking charge of their own shopping experience and are looking for exciting, interactive ways to shop.

The SOLEPAD SYSTEM can satisfy that demand with its simple, fast way of accurately measuring feet and boosting customer interaction with store sales assistants, making the whole shopping experience enjoyable, satisfying and above all fun for both adults and kids!


•    Boost sales
•    Capture vital business analytics 24/7
•    Monitor footfall patterns and deliver dynamic customer service at busy times
•    Optimise stock levels and store efficiency
•    High-tech, interactive and entertaining customer experience
•    Improve shoe fit and delight customers
•    Differentiate yourself from the competition
•    Personalize marketing promotions, bring customers back into store time and time again

Visit our dedicated site to find out more!



A truly flexible display requires a truly flexible touch screen sensor

Most of today’s portable rigid display devices offer capacitive touchscreen functionality. Consumers have come to expect this technology in all smart devices and tablet computers but experience many frustrations including breakage, accidental use and an inability to operate when wearing insulating materials such as gloves.

Digital Resistive Area Sensing (DRAS®) overcomes capacitive touch screen limitations revolutionising next-gen portable devices and wearable-tech, providing greater functionality and control

The DRAS® technology delivers superior spatial resolution. It can also sense finger force and requires no re-calibration. It’s not affected by humidity or temperature swings and only picks up intentional contacts.

What’s more the sensor can be made as large as the application requires, enabling large scale flexible TV’s and extensive wall size displays to be developed without increasing the complexity of the hardware interface and without compromising the sensor performance.

Next generation smart devices can also be customized in terms of shape, size, resolution, accuracy, flexibility and cost without compromising the ease of interface.


•  The sensor is put behind the flexible display: there is no impact on the display's optical performance!
•  Ideal for next-generation, flexible display devices and wearable electronics
•  Truly flexible, rollable
•  Multi-touch
•  Finger force sensing
•  Not affected by humidity or temperature swings
•  No calibration required
•  Virtually borderless
•  Extremely thin
•  Consumes very little power

The DRAS® technology addresses all of the new demands and emerges as the winning solution for the new breed of portable devices with flexible displays!

Visit our dedicated website to find out more!




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